In case people think that I am a lazy bum, I would like to say the complete opposite. I have been so busy I have not had time to catch up. Since my last post Olivia and I have added two members to our family. No, we didn't adopt twins.
I traded for Tiny, my good pal of a horse for a 3-year old colt we call Hawk. I am breaking him. Learning a lot of things really. The learning moment last week was not to pull on his nose. I pulled him up over backwards on top of me. Broke my saddle and should have broken my leg, but I must have been lucky.
The other new member is called Baby, or Kitty, depending on how we feel. She is a 4 month old smoky gray cat. She is pretty cute. She pretty much acts like other babies she cries, poops and pees, a lot. She is pretty entertaining though and last night I roped her with a small rope (don't tell PETA), I don't think cat roping is going to catch on very quick, even with the romanticism of the commercial of a few super bowls back, with the herding cats...
I have been busting my hump working for Dells Home Appliances, fixing appliances, you know I thought I would try something new... Oh, wait, I have only been doing this since I was knee high to a grass hopper... It is a good job and I like it, I am looking forward to Law School, though. Every day my boss, Rick, tries to talk me out of it with various jabs, threats and jokes... Nice try, but even bad lawyer jokes will not deter me.
Other than that I would like to give a shout out to Emi, who got engaged!!! 信じられないよう!おめでとうございます!私たちが子供をできるときに君の名前をつけるだよう。もし女性でありば。。。