Ugh. So glad it's almost over. Today, however, was great! Mac took the boy for the afternoon while I went to a little women's conference with the other ward. It was uplifting, hopeful, funny, filling (with lots of food, too) and all around enjoyable. The best part? My friend Kylie from high school who I haven't seen since graduation was there! Ack! So excited! We commenced chatting and almost talked right through the last talk. She is such a sweet gal, and has such a creative and thoughtful heart. It was sooo good!
I spent my week watching lots of movies and snuggling with Harrison. We haven't been feeling well. The flu bug is going around, so we (Harrison and I) basically quarantined ourselves and left only for the basics like milk and apples. I really do not want to get sick, nor have a sick child. And honestly, staying at home for days at a time was mostly enjoyable, although we did get a little cabin fever. I didn't do my hair, or put amy makeup on. The housework was minimal and it didn't bother me much that it was messy. But next time I think I'll just take lots more Vitamin C. It was great to not have errands or other items to attend to, but staying inside for that long drives everybody bonkers. The really bad thing is I didn't exercise much and now I feel lethargic and sluggish. I get out of breath walking up and down the stairs, but that's because I'm holding H-bomb. He has this thing where he wants to be a big boy and walk up and down the stairs while holding my hand. I guess the rail is too high? Anyway, I understand that it's important to help them be independent and encourage them to be proactive, but I get so impatient. Especially on our basement stairs because they are steep and narrow, and makes independent stair travel difficult for Harrison. So naturally he enlists my help. I almost patiently wait for him to take the first two steps, then the third, and by the fourth I've had it. I either pick him up or leave him to get there alone. Great parenting, huh?
Buuuutt, let's be honest. I really am out. of. shape.
Sad day.
Poor McCord has been working lots of long hours, and seems a bit stressed out. My only reply is that maybe it's time to go to the temple again. We had calming answers the last time we went. As soon as we can locate a babysitter, and the temple reopens, we are there.
I know the focus is bad, but his hair was SUPER static-y. These dang couches create all sorts of static electricity and then shock the heck outta ya. It's getting to be very annoying.
I am finally remembering all the new words H-bomb is saying, so here they are: howse, milk, boot, yummy, candy, gum (or yum), coat, bum, poop, yuck, oh no, oo go? (as in 'where'd it go' complete with gestures), baby, howrse, kitty, puppy, the occasional amen, bootk, ah some? and a few others. Can you tell what we love at our house? Sweets and potty talk. Yup, we are starting the vocabulary and conscious realizations of bowel movements. He's had some constipation, so this has really helped us.
Harrison is attacking so I must retire to defend myself.